A big thank you to all the members and supporters who attended the launch of our new name and brand last week, including representatives from the National Housing Supply Council and the Office of Human Services Minister Nat Cook.
The chance to meet, greet and network is always invaluable.
A special thanks to Community Housing Industry Association Australia Chief Executive Officer Wendy Hayhurst for travelling to Adelaide to help launch our new look.
In case you missed it – we are now called the Community Housing Industry Association of SA or CHIA SA, formerly the Community Housing Council of South Australia.
As part of our rebrand, we also launched a new website.
While we might look a bit different, our role as the peak industry body for Community Housing Providers in South Australia remains unchanged.
We thought we would share some of the moments captured at the launch event held at our Pirie St office on June 23.
Some of the community housing bodies represented at the launch included Access 2 Place, Amèlie Housing, Believe Housing, Cornerstone Housing, Junction Housing, JFA Purple Orange, YourPlace Housing, and Unity Housing.
CHIA SA’s brand now aligns with the national peak body – the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA), and peak bodies in other states.
The change will help us better advocate for SA Community Housing Providers (CHPs) at a national level, creating a stronger national voice for community housing and supporting better policy outcomes in housing for South Australians on low incomes.
To learn more click HERE.