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Chief Executive Officer

Luke Westenberg

Luke has over 20 years’ experience across government and peak bodies in a number of regulated human services sectors.

Luke works with CHIA SA’s members to lead sector-wide advocacy for the South Australian community and governments. He has experience working across housing, aged care, health and community services in Adelaide and Sydney, including as CEO of the Aged Care Industry Association. Luke’s skills include policy development for the not-for-profit sector, engagement with member organisations and relationship management with federal and state government departments.

Policy Officer

Kate French

Kate provides research, analysis, and policy skills that directly support CHIA SA’s advocacy and representation functions. Kate supports the work of CHIA SA’s Member Forums in providing direct links between CHIA SA and senior leaders of SA CHPs.

Kate holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and is passionate about approaching potential reforms and policy development objectives with a rights-based focus. She recognises the critical importance of ensuring the lived experience of community housing tenants and service providers is central to CHIA SA policy statements and sector advocacy.

Project Officer

Rachael Thrussell

Rachael manages a range of member engagement functions, including supporting CHIA SA’s Communities of Practice and sector events.

Rachael has over 17 years of experience in the Community Housing sector in South Australia and Victoria. She holds a Graduate Certificate in Housing Policy and Management at Swinburne University and has extensive experience in community and stakeholder facilitation, engagement, and development.